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Thank you and Welcome!

Thank you so much for your interest in my all-natural deodorant products! I chose deodorant (out of all the beauty products out there) because it's so easy!!

I got inspired to make my own homemade deodorant after hearing the story from a woman TTC on her podcast. She mentioned one of the things she changed the month she conceived was changing her deodorant. Now, she did make a few other changes to her health routine but I felt this was calling to me. To do better for my body in any simple way I can.

I also tried a few other DIY products like shampoo, conditioner, and laundry detergent but the only product I could commit to was my deodorant. I felt that there may be other women (and men) out there who would benefit from this too! So, here we are!

My favorite combinations of scents are Lemon Tangerine and Lemongrass Ylang Ylang. I highly recommend Lemongrass Ylang Ylang for a more masculine or unisex smell. But, feel free to have fun and make your combo of any essential oil that I provide.

I hope my product finds you well and becomes an important part of your daily routine as it is mine. Some fun ways to use your deodorant include the armpits, feet, inner thighs, chest, and behind the ear. External use only. Do not ingest. Keep away from children. If you have an allergic reaction please stop use and ask your doctor.

It may be wise to know the scents of oils you've requested to get the best smell for your custom product. Organic Shea butter can change the smell and consistency of the deodorant. I do not like the smell of Shea Butter but I've used it before and it worked nicely as an add-in.

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